The Crazy Part

I am back! I needed a place to whine again, so here I am.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Che left today. I gave him my phone number and my e-mail addy in case he wanted to keep in touch. The ball is in his court as they say. I will be slightly disappointed if he does not choose to contact me, but it won't be devastating. I don't get any butterflies or fuzzy feelings about him, but I think he's cute and he seems nice enough, so it would be good if we got to hang out. I think I did an admirable job of sorta, but not really flirting with him today even!

Today I was really apprehensive about going to work because I've been unable to find a reason to talk to John without it leading to me being hurt in the long run. I really can't believe I am in a Jim/Pam Office situation. At any rate, I wound up acting really weird for over half the day today and it was obvious I wasn't comfortable speaking to him and so, at some point he just messaged me on our work IM and acted like everything was normal, so I did, too. And now we are back to normal.

I even got to meet his girlfriend today. Talk about ouchie, my heart hurts painful. She even said she had heard a lot about me. Ow. Ow. Feelings are stupid things.

Mostly, I wish I could just turn this off, but part of me likes it because I really can be excited about someone for all the right reasons still. Who knew?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What's Happenin' Now

After a less than stellar 2007 romantically, I resolved to not pursue any romance this year. I was obviously doing something wrong, so I might as well take myself out the game and see if I become a better (and more dateable) person in the process.

However, I have 4 guys within my general area that I have some kind of something that shall not be named going on with.

Met him at the company Christmas party. We're the same age, both single, and we talked a lot after the party and even went out for pizza afterward just the two of us. I was kinda interested because he seemed cool enough. He likes hip-hop (and not the commercial rap variety) which I found mighty cool.

I paid for our pizza that night because it was really cheap and thought nothing of it, but he's been making it up to me by getting me coffee twice now. But now, I dunno, I'm just not that interested. He's a little too geeky for me I think.

Che is temporarily working at my job. His last day is actually this Tuesday.

He's an actor and invited me to an improv show he was in which I thought might have been because, I dunno, he was interested in me, but when I waited for him afterwards absolutely nothing happened. I didn't even get walked to the El even though it was super late.

We talk often and I honestly think all indicators point to him being interested, but I'm not about to make the first move and so, this week will likely be the very last time I ever see him. Ah well.

Andy is yet another guy at work that I pretty much just want to see naked. He's just hot for no reason. Seems like a really nice guy, but it's really hard to read him. I suspect his parents are not too keen of Negroes though (ran into them randomly on the street), but it's not like I wanna marry him.

Though even if I did have the opportunity to get with him, I'd likely not since he does work with me and it's a super small company and it would just be weird in the end.

John is the source of my woe.

We are (or were) good work friends. We complain to each other. We act stupid with each other. We're just really similar on a lot of fronts and he makes me feel like I'm ok and I just haven't been feeling very ok lately. And, once we finally got to know each other, I knew I liked him in that way, but he's in love with his girlfriend whom he just moved in with and has plans to marry though not get engaged because they don't believe in that.

So, as I finally got to the point where I was super appreciative of his friendship more so than anything else, something happened.

This past Tuesday, John was in a foul mood. I had no idea why and kept trying to mess with him as usual, but he was pretty non-receptive. He finally tells me that he's upset because his girlfriend was unhappy about his hanging out with a super close female friend (and long ago ex-girlfriend) of his. He explained that he had also been jealous of a male friend of his girlfriend; pretty much the same situation, but that he became okay with it. He explained some more about the situation and I just sympathized and said nothing else because I was not about to bad mouth his girlfriend because I know that would have turned into a no win situation even if he was currently mad at her.

Anywho, he was pissy the rest of the day and I didn't want or even know how to deal with it, so I just avoided him. Except the part that sent me off the emotional deep end was when I overheard him telling a friend on the phone about a party him and his girlfriend were having at their new place. A party that I thought I was getting invited to because John asked me about it, but did not. His girlfriend was in charge of the invites. Shocking.

The next day he told me he was doing much better. I assume they made up, but I didn't want to hear anything else about it. I was still salty about being pretty much thrown under the bus in favor of his crazy girlfriend, but rationally, I am just some chick from work and that is the woman he loves, so I guess I can't be too mad. But, I am mad and a little hurt because I really, really liked John as a person and I still do, but I'm not comfortable with it the way I was before.

I would like to be his friend and I would like for things to go back to the way they were before Thursday. Thusfar, I have been practically ignoring him since that fateful day. But, it hurts to like him like I do and feel expendable at the same time.


Even though I haven't yet felt the need to spill it all here, having this blog again already makes me feel better. It's hard to know what to share with people that you know in real life without it having a negative affect on your relationship and that's actually what has led me back here: the need to share without judgment and an instance of sharing which has brought about some interesting feelings in me in relation to another person.

But, right now, I need to get moving, so more later.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This sums it up

I've been thinking this song for days now.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

On joining the mafia

I've been made an offer I cannot refuse: I'm joining the family of blogs thanks to Joshua Norton over at Stripming for Whimsy (link at left).

I know those of you who have been following me from blog to blog are just about sick of me moving, but bear with me por favor.

All new entries will be appearing at If anybody wants to to a MT blog design for me *cough*Angry Pete*cough* (or anybody else that wants) that would be cool. Since, I have an actual job, I'll even pay ya!Laters.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Enter the Rugburn (Part II of previous post)

I had left my coat in Al's car, so I needed to retrieve it and he was totally cool about it. Somebody had lead me to believe that Al might want something more from me, so I thought he might have tripped. That was not the case.

I got my coat, came back into the bar and I didn't see Kris, so I start walking back towards the door and suddenly he's right behind me. He leads me outside and to his car.He asks me to not freak out about the car seat in the back. Heh.

Once in the car, he wants his kiss. Shit, I want my kiss. So, we kiss and it's good and I'm so so so horny.Then he starts driving back to where my car is parked (in my job's lot).

On the way back we talk. He tells me he first noticed me when I walked up to get my gift. I was really thankful I got to wear jeans that day; I look way better in jeans than any other type of pant. My work pants make me look kinda blocky; my jeans make me look curvy. Blocky bad, curvy good. OJ had even told me earlier (after my unkind rant about him), I look spectucular in jeans. Anyhow, what a coincidence that he noticed me then because that's when I noticed him.

I ask him about what the mother of his children would think about this whole thing and he says they have an understanding. Cool. I suppose he could have been lying, but up to this point he hasn't been deceitful at all. Certainly he could have lied about having children and/or a woman, but he didn't.I also ask him if we're going to be having sex because we're going to need some condoms. So, he stops by a Walgreens and gets some. Actually, he was a little surprised that was what I was thinking. But, better safe than sorry.

Then as we head back to work, he contemplates whether we should get a hotel room or just go to his office. We both agree doing it in his office would be pretty hot.

(Actually, I'm missing something. I think we came back to work and made out in the parking lot a bit before we went to get the condoms.)

Fortunately, he has a key and the security code for the building, so we go in and he looks at the security panel and it says the alarm isn't armed. Odd. We continue walking towards his office and he remembers that there is a production shift working that night, that's why the alarm wasn't armed and that would explain the woman we just passed.

Anyhow, no office workers are there, so we continue to head to his office.But, his office (actually he shares the space with about 3 other people) has a big window that looks down onto the production area where people are working and I'm worried that they'll be able to see us. He tells me that they can't see anything, I could go down and check to verify it; I don't.

I could get into details, but they're really fuzzy. Did I have sex? Yeah, for like a minute because he was having trouble keeping it up due to not being used to wearing condoms and being drunk. He does an interesting thing when having sex, he put his hand around my neck. It's actually kinda erotic, so go choke a bitch today.

I kid, I kid. He wasn't choking me.

That minute was on the floor of his office and that's how I got the rugburn. The rugburn from hell. I'm actually missing some skin.

He wants to take me to lunch sometime when we're sober, but he tells me an hour isn't long enough and he's going to wear me out. He also works from home on Wednesdays and Fridays, so he wants me to take a Wednesday off sometime.

We exchanged work extensions and I realized today that I told him the wrong number, but I'll just give him a call on Monday to clear it up. It's going to be weird being sober. I'm so much more talkative with social lubricant.

So Much Dirt

Wow, I dunno even know where to start. I suppose chronologically would be best, so let's go!

2:20 PM yesterday - Work's for Fools
I was at work actually working on something when the mass exodus of production people began. Everyone was leaving for the holiday party and I wasn't aware the buildings basically shutdown for the party, so I had to discontinue my precious work and head over to the party myself.

2:45 PM yesterday - The Christmas Party
I get to the holiday party and there are people lined up for food, but I'm not hungry because I already ate. Most people were already seated at tables, but I was feeling weirded out about just walking up to a table and sitting there, so I just kinda walked around for while until I ran into Abby, a girl from another department that I'm kinda cool with and she told me to come sit with her.

Before we actually got seated, we went to the prize tables to check out the gifts. My company gets vendors to donate gifts for our Christmas party and some of that stuff was pretty good: TVs (13"-27"), digital cameras, camcorders, gift certificates (up to $100), a trip to Wisconsin Dells, etc. If I got the chance I wanted to get the $100 Best Buy gift card, so I could regift it to give to LilBigBro.

After everyone is seated a few people from the company come up and say stuff, then it's time to pull names from a box to give away the stuff. And there was something for all of us (about 200 or so employees), but some of it wasn't all that exciting. Of course, my name gets called when there is nothing I really want up there, so I end up with a $25 giftcard to CDW, ugh.
There was also one grand prize of $600 and I didn't win that either. Everyone also got fruit baskets; I hope the fruit is as good as it looks.

After the gifts were given away, we took a group picture. Jake was standing not too far from me, so I took special care to not look in his vicinity. Some of the production guys from the building I don't work in called me over to stand by them and one of them, Al, told me that everyone was going out for drinks afterwards and asked me if I wanted to come. I did; I was in no rush to get home.

I rode with Al to the bar; we almost didn't see it, but my keen eyesight (ha) saved us from turning around and going the wrong way.

6:00 PM yesterday - How Many Liqs Does it Take to Make Me Act a Foo'?
I get to the bar and Al asks me what I want. Now, I was completely prepared to pay for my own liquor, but he offered, so I started off with a Budweiser that I ended up not liking too much, but I drank it anyway. More and more people from the job kept coming in. The cool thing about it was that there was a wide variety of ages represented.

Two ladies that work in the same building as me (one being stomach girl), but whom I never really speak to came in and we ended up hitting it off. I was glad I came. Then Jake comes in and I just look away, but he touches me to get my attention and asks me something that I can't even recall anymore, so I answered and turned back around.

Fastforwarding and just hitting the highlights of the evening...

You've Got Dirt!
YJ told me that Jake was officially not into me and he apologized profusely, but at this point I was having too good a time and was fueled with liquor, so it wasn't a big deal. In fact Jake likes stomach girl! Stomach girl will now be called Rene. But, as fate would have it, Rene doesn't like Jake. I think I told this story to everyone that would listen by the end of the night.
Eventually, I just confronted Jake about it and he apologized for being stupid. I told him I knew he was into Rene, but he initially denied it. By the end of the night though, he dedicated a karaoke song to her. It was very bad.

But, I also found out that Jake had a small penis and Carlinda did indeed sleep with him and EVERYBODY at the job knows it and EVERYBODY knows Jake has a small penis. But, I wonder what Carlinda's standards for small are. Anyhow that helped me not feel so bad about the whole Jake thing; I'm not too interested in small wee-wees.

There was a guy at the bar, Dan, that Jake apparently used to tell all of his business, too. I think Dan would've liked to have hooked up with me, but I didn't find him very cute.

Jumping around here. Sorry. Still and all, I continued to drunkenly through innuendo Jake's way. I told a table full of people that I was going to get Jake flat on his back, butt naked with a carrot. I dunno what the carrot would have been for, but it sounded funny. YJ ended up telling Jake about this scenario because he was beginning to get paranoid that we were saying bad things about him. I was standing right next to him when he was saying it and in repsonse to something else that was said I declared to Jake that he really needed to get laid and boy, oh boy, did I have something for him. I think he effectively stayed away from me after that. It was pretty hilarious.

Other Random Stuff
I told the other lady from my building that I was talking to tonight that I thought she was hot. She's like 46, but is built like a 21 year old and is just plain cute. She's going through a divorce right now and was lamenting having to be single at 40 (the pains of dating and all).
By the end of the night everyone knew about my infatuation with Jake and many many people told me he was slime, so I promised to leave the boy alone and I think I managed to do that.
It didn't hurt that there was this other guy...

Worst Rugburn Ever
Going back a little, there was a guy at the holiday party that I thought was kinda interesting looking, but I wasn't set on calling him cute. I just kinda filed him in my memory banks and thought that maybe I'd see him around some other time.

Well, he ended up being at the bar! Go figure.

The first time I spoke to him, I was in the middle of talking to Jake before I got super drunk and started acting really stupid. I got his name, he got mine. We shook hands and we started talking until Jake CB'd him and got my attention back. Now how odd is that? Why would someone that was so not interested in you be cock blocking?

Anywho, the next time I spoke to him, it was with him and this really funny older lady. He, we will call him Kris (because that is his name, I just spelled it all funky like), bought me a beer and I was going to say no because by that point I was well on my way to feeling like I was walking on air (my feet begin to disappear when I'm on my way to really really drunk).

Me and Kris were talking and he mentioned that he had a house. A house? Hmmm. My next question was if he had kids. He has two (a 2 year old and a 9 year old or something like that). Shit. Then I inquired about his wife and he told me he didn't have a wife. Score! But, he was still with the mother of his children. Shit. So, I made a conscious effort to not flirt with this Kris guy and just started asking him about his kids and stuff.

Then Rene came over and we talked for awhile before she left for a "date" that she wasn't too thrilled about.

Later on, I ended up mentioning the me/Jake/Rene thing to Kris and he told me I was way too cute to waste it on Jake. I'm starting to wonder if this guy is flirting with me, but I chalk it up to him just being a nice guy.

Even more later on, I was at the bar talking to this guy who was annoyed by my screechy bar voice, but when I talked regular he couldn't hear me, so screechy bar voice it was. I ended up getting my hair in his drink and he walked away and started talking to Kris. I stayed at the bar because Carlinda asked me to watch her purse, but then Kris and the guy called me over to them.

Kris puts his arm around my waist and we all kinda talk and I get to observe Carlinda doing the booty dance for some of the women that work with us (one of whom I was convinced couldn't possibly be any fun, but the things liquor does to people!). I also see Jake across the bar (this being after Rene left) and I'm convinced he's giving me the eye, but all his chances were used up by this time, plus I had already sworn him off.

Then, I'm kinda facing Kris and I have my arm around his back and we're close, reeaallll close. I look across the bar and I'm getting the thumbs up from the women that told me Jake was slime. Then Kris is rubbing that area between my back and my butt and I'm thinking Uhhhh, what's going on here. So, just as a test mind you (ahem) I start rubbing his back and he responds by rubbing a larger area of my back/butt area, then he tells me that he really likes me. I'm playing dense, so after awhile of this rubbing going on I ask him if I'm reading him correctly. He thinks I am and he asks the same of me. I say "yeah." Then he tells me he's really like to kiss me and I tell him that would be perfectly fine except I didn't want to do it there. Which is funny since I'd managed to make a complete fool out of myself otherwise that night, so I might as well have just made out with this guy right there. He asks me if I'd like to leave and I say..."yeah."

BREAK! My head hurts, I'll have to continue this later. I'm drinking water, but I think I might be getting a hangover.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Christmas Shopping!

Since, I just splurged on a little gift for myself, I've decided now is the time to do my Christmas shopping before I run out of money. I called my brother, LilBigBro, up and we (including his wife) are going shopping on Saturday.

I won't be getting too many people gifts this year which is actually good compared to the zero people I got gifts last year, but it's shaping up to be a very bland Christmas gift-wise.

For my mom from me - $44 slippers (hopefully, these last longer than a year; that woman can go through some house shoes)

For LilBigBro and the better half from me - $75 gift card to Target or Bed Bath and Beyond (hey, that's what he asked for).

For my lower middle brother from me, LilBigBro and the wife - a hard drive for his non-functioning laptop.

For my upper middle brother - Not sure yet. LilBigBro is investigating.

For my father from me and ?? - Probably a gift card to Niketown or Sportmart. My dad loves to shop, but never likes anything anyone picks out for him.

And, that's it. I have one other brother, but we haven't exchanged gifts in a while plus I'm salty at him for always cheating on my now ex-sister-in-law (the divorce happened in July, but he just told my father about it a couple days ago).

I'm thinking about making cookies for the people at work, but we'll see how that goes.

Oh and the office Christmas party is tomorrow. It's just 3 1/2 hours out of our workday, but we get to dress casual tomorrow and I hear they give out prizes (some being quite good). Let's hope I win something worthwhile.

Funny, but not

I walk past Jake's care after lunch today and it appears he has a new addition to his vehicle: a rosary with this large, white cross is hanging from his rearview mirror. Now that he's parking closer to where I sit again, I suppose he thinks that's going to protect him from me?!?! Mua ha ha ha.

Okay, just kidding, but seriously, as I had recommented to Anna, I believe he stopped being interested in me that day he came over and talked to me for awhile. I'm not going to overanalyze this because, well, I refuse to chase down 31 year old men who are avoiding me like we're playing hide and go seek, BUT I think part of it was that he seemed to think I had a problem with his being Catholic. I also think he thought that I thought he was L7 for being religious. Silly stuff. I think I would've felt better if I just burst out with something really inappropriate, like Hey, mind if I sit on your face? At least I'd feel like there was a method to this madness.

Another new addition to Jake's car is he has a crack in his windshield which is just what he deserves.

Ok, done.

My supervisor is outta here at 3 PM; only 1.5 hours left, yes.


I got an e-mail from telling me that from now until Dec 12th, I can get an extra 20% off closeout items.

I had no intent to buy anything at all, but I decided to checkout the clearance workout equipment and I saw a vertical crunch machine with a bar for pullups at that sort of thing. Orginally $149.99, clearance price $99.99, my price $79.99 and shipping was $29.99, so in total it cost about $110.

I couldn't help myself. It was calling my name!Oh and me, Anna from Classytrash, and She-Ra (ok, I made a name for her!) from Bent Fabric are virtual workout motivation-type partners and we are trying out a group blog. If you would like to be a part or just want to read it, just click on the Sweaty Chicks link in my blogroll.

Just so you know

I did hear back from Deranged Dave. His message said he did have a good time with the slave girl, but it's not better than being in love or something to that affect. I replied with Love? What's that? Anyhow, will you be posting about your slave girl experience?

Haven't heard from him since.

I'm all alone at work and that's the way I like it. Unfortunately, OJ will be coming back to work over here today.

Oh and The Enigma is back aaaaanddd she has a job! Go show some love.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

People still use Friendster?

I received an e-mail from Friendster telling me that I received a message from someone I didn't know. So, I log in and some random guy sent me a message because he just moved back to Chicago and wanted to make some friends, but at the end he tells me I'm cute. Hmmmm. Too bad I don't find him to be cute.